The Muddy Basin Ramblers Hold That Tiger
泥灘地浪人 《擒虎記》

Design Company ︎ Onion Design Associates
Creative Direction ︎ Andrew Wong, Janett Wang
Design ︎ Yang Fong Ming
Client ︎ The Muddy Basin Ramblers
Year ︎ 2018
2020 ︎ 第62屆美國葛萊美獎最佳音樂包裝入圍
The 62th Grammy Award for Best Album Packaging Nominee
2019 ︎ 第30屆金曲獎最佳專輯裝幀設計
The 30th Taiwan’s Golden Melody Award for Best Album Packaging Design
Shopping Design Magazine
22首英文新曲,收錄泥灘地浪人1900-1950 Jug Band、爵士、藍調、搖擺樂等一貫曲風,深掘台灣與美國各式民間軼事題材:台灣宮廟文化 (20. 宮廟藍調)、那卡西音樂 (19. 島嶼情歌第1號)、亞洲移民史 (6. 沒在怕海)、1950-1960 Sci-Fi科幻電影 (17. 電台放送)、垮掉的一代 Beat Generation (3. 禪宗散拍)、爵士樂史 (8. 蚊子咆吼)、宗教狂熱 (18. 喝啤酒的女人與一架幽浮)......。
源於樂團對音樂的實驗,始於多元內容的極端迥異性格,試以宮廟文化為基,1950-1960復古未來主義 Retro-Futurism為輔,深入文資搜集閱讀,並探究圖像、中英字體、編排、色彩等要件,重新揉合完成再想像,為我們深入骨子卻又不解的日常宮廟美學,暗自鑲嵌了現代、偷渡了未來,終至視覺創造完成。如浪人們為此次樂曲接上了地氣,視覺則化為一幅尋覓良久的獵奇靈籤。
擒虎記,源自一首古老的爵士經典《Tiger Rag 老虎散拍》,相傳由美國紐奧良非裔爵士樂手於1905所創,1918卻被白人組成的爵士樂團,錄音發行並剽竊了版權所有。藉樂史事件切題發揮,視覺也悄悄地「剽竊」了民俗信仰中的文化元素,專輯中的所有物件,彷彿廟宇中發予信眾的勸世刊物,仔細窺探卻發現事實並非如此單純。
Hold That Tiger by the Muddy Basin Ramblers
“Hold That Tiger” is the third full-length album by the jug band the Muddy Basin Ramblers, a group of US/UK expats living in Taipei, Taiwan. The album has 22 tracks of mostly original music with styles that range from swing jazz, blues and ragtime to Taiwanese traditional temple parade music, Nakashi (known in Japan as Enka), Irish folk and even Taiwanese hip hop. The song lyrics cover an eclectic mix of topics and themes, including the phenomenon of folk religion and cults, the Asian immigrant diaspora, the Beat Generation, sci-fi/UFO kitch from the 1950s, and the history of jazz music.
To convey the experimental nature of the music and its subject matter, which plays with the East/West cultural divide, we decided to create a visual style that combines Taiwan's religious folk culture and Taoist mysticism with a touch of 50’s retro-futurism from the West.
“Hold That Tiger” is the third full-length album by the jug band the Muddy Basin Ramblers, a group of US/UK expats living in Taipei, Taiwan. The album has 22 tracks of mostly original music with styles that range from swing jazz, blues and ragtime to Taiwanese traditional temple parade music, Nakashi (known in Japan as Enka), Irish folk and even Taiwanese hip hop. The song lyrics cover an eclectic mix of topics and themes, including the phenomenon of folk religion and cults, the Asian immigrant diaspora, the Beat Generation, sci-fi/UFO kitch from the 1950s, and the history of jazz music.
To convey the experimental nature of the music and its subject matter, which plays with the East/West cultural divide, we decided to create a visual style that combines Taiwan's religious folk culture and Taoist mysticism with a touch of 50’s retro-futurism from the West.

騎虎仙人原型自張天師神符版畫再重繪,相傳張天師法力高強可驅雷役電,因降伏老虎而以虎為坐騎。亮黃封套外圍斜邊框取型自籤詩,仙人著閃電道袍,頭戴太空頭盔與紅藍3D眼鏡,手持Jug Band的靈魂「壺罐」,一掃莊嚴肅穆神明形象,反帶著獵奇衝突趣味。兩側法器替換為幽浮與電塔,巧妙融合元素,展演十足的「台式復古未來主義」。中文標題以執事牌扁平字搭配19世紀美國風格木刻字 (Wood Type),漢字威嚴霸氣與木刻字厚重粗獷組合,意外地協調。
騎虎仙人原型自張天師神符版畫再重繪,相傳張天師法力高強可驅雷役電,因降伏老虎而以虎為坐騎。亮黃封套外圍斜邊框取型自籤詩,仙人著閃電道袍,頭戴太空頭盔與紅藍3D眼鏡,手持Jug Band的靈魂「壺罐」,一掃莊嚴肅穆神明形象,反帶著獵奇衝突趣味。兩側法器替換為幽浮與電塔,巧妙融合元素,展演十足的「台式復古未來主義」。中文標題以執事牌扁平字搭配19世紀美國風格木刻字 (Wood Type),漢字威嚴霸氣與木刻字厚重粗獷組合,意外地協調。
The Cover
The title “Hold that Tiger” comes from a lyric in "Tiger Rag", a jazz standard dating back to 1917, which is the first song on this album. We borrowed from traditional Chinese folk art, invoking an iconic image of the Taoist figure Zhang Daoling, aka "Chinese Celestial Master Zhang Tianshi" (張天師神符), who is often portrayed with a tiger. The image is sourced from a Taoist paper talisman ("Fu"/符). The Fu talisman is traditionally kept to ward off evil or unwanted spirits and ghosts. In keeping with one theme on the album -- the mixing of traditional and modern elements -- we "retro-fitted" Master Zhang with a space helmet, 3D glasses and a jug (often used as a homemade "tuba" by jug bands).
The title “Hold that Tiger” comes from a lyric in "Tiger Rag", a jazz standard dating back to 1917, which is the first song on this album. We borrowed from traditional Chinese folk art, invoking an iconic image of the Taoist figure Zhang Daoling, aka "Chinese Celestial Master Zhang Tianshi" (張天師神符), who is often portrayed with a tiger. The image is sourced from a Taoist paper talisman ("Fu"/符). The Fu talisman is traditionally kept to ward off evil or unwanted spirits and ghosts. In keeping with one theme on the album -- the mixing of traditional and modern elements -- we "retro-fitted" Master Zhang with a space helmet, 3D glasses and a jug (often used as a homemade "tuba" by jug bands).

仿俗艷螢光的粉紅廉價命相紙、採東方算命術「紫微斗數十二宮格命盤」編排、依農民曆無間隔標點符號的中文排版;七位浪人身著古裝漢服、頭戴紳士帽、手持西方樂器與,化為衝突逸趣的奇異天官;英文排版藉文排版藉19世紀美國Wood Type 組合台灣虎版畫,成就奇異詼諧的大型靈符;圖文穿插真實符咒 (道家祝由符籙) 對應歌曲主題:伏虎符 (擒虎記)、雷令符 (5. 電報)、化虎符 (2. 老虎散拍)、乘雲符 (18. 喝啤酒的女人與一架幽浮)、寶船 (6. 沒在怕海) 、瘧疾符 (8. 蚊子咆吼)......。
仿俗艷螢光的粉紅廉價命相紙、採東方算命術「紫微斗數十二宮格命盤」編排、依農民曆無間隔標點符號的中文排版;七位浪人身著古裝漢服、頭戴紳士帽、手持西方樂器與,化為衝突逸趣的奇異天官;英文排版藉文排版藉19世紀美國Wood Type 組合台灣虎版畫,成就奇異詼諧的大型靈符;圖文穿插真實符咒 (道家祝由符籙) 對應歌曲主題:伏虎符 (擒虎記)、雷令符 (5. 電報)、化虎符 (2. 老虎散拍)、乘雲符 (18. 喝啤酒的女人與一架幽浮)、寶船 (6. 沒在怕海) 、瘧疾符 (8. 蚊子咆吼)......。
Liner Notes
The lyrics and liner notes are printed in both English and Chinese, with the latter accompanied by symbols representing Taoist magical spells, which were originally found on Fu talismans. These symbols were sourced from esoteric texts akin to a Chinese "grimoire," which date back thousands of years. The grid layout for the lyrics was inspired by the standard chart form used in Purple Star Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu / 紫微斗數), a common form of Chinese fortune-telling with Taoist roots that dates back to the Tang Dynasty (during the years 618-907).
The lyrics and liner notes are printed in both English and Chinese, with the latter accompanied by symbols representing Taoist magical spells, which were originally found on Fu talismans. These symbols were sourced from esoteric texts akin to a Chinese "grimoire," which date back thousands of years. The grid layout for the lyrics was inspired by the standard chart form used in Purple Star Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu / 紫微斗數), a common form of Chinese fortune-telling with Taoist roots that dates back to the Tang Dynasty (during the years 618-907).

CD Label
The design derived from a Chinese zodiac wheel (denoting 12 palaces) in a fortune-telling chart, originating from Yilan, Taiwan.
CD Label
The design derived from a Chinese zodiac wheel (denoting 12 palaces) in a fortune-telling chart, originating from Yilan, Taiwan.
依據藝術家徐冰「新英文書法」,將英文Typography加上漢字構成右側樂團名 (The Muddy Basin Ramblers) 與左側專輯名 (Hold That Tiger),再造似字非字、似圖非圖的畫符美感,放大版的平安符由8道步驟摺為六角平安符並包裹光碟。
CD Sleeve
The CD is wrapped in a sheet of yellow paper that takes on the appearance of a Taoist Fu talisman. The printed calligraphy may look like abstracted Chinese glyphs, but is actually comprised of Roman letters, with the band's name written on the right (The Muddy Basin Ramblers) and the title of the CD on the left (Hold That Tiger). This reconstruction technique is borrowed from artist Xu Bing's "square word calligraphy," in which he devised a system for writing English in a form that resembled Chinese characters. When folded using a origami hexagon folding technique, the CD sleeve emulates the appearance of a traditional Taiwanese amulet.
依據藝術家徐冰「新英文書法」,將英文Typography加上漢字構成右側樂團名 (The Muddy Basin Ramblers) 與左側專輯名 (Hold That Tiger),再造似字非字、似圖非圖的畫符美感,放大版的平安符由8道步驟摺為六角平安符並包裹光碟。
CD Sleeve
The CD is wrapped in a sheet of yellow paper that takes on the appearance of a Taoist Fu talisman. The printed calligraphy may look like abstracted Chinese glyphs, but is actually comprised of Roman letters, with the band's name written on the right (The Muddy Basin Ramblers) and the title of the CD on the left (Hold That Tiger). This reconstruction technique is borrowed from artist Xu Bing's "square word calligraphy," in which he devised a system for writing English in a form that resembled Chinese characters. When folded using a origami hexagon folding technique, the CD sleeve emulates the appearance of a traditional Taiwanese amulet.